Brand Feature: Pony Macaroni
In the spirit of community over competition, I'm excited to announce a new series at Dapplebay! Each month, I will be featuring another woman owned equestrian small business that I love. First up is a brand that I have followed for quite some time, Pony Macaroni!
Who is Pony Macaroni?
Pamela Breece is the horse crazed human behind the scenes at Pony Macaroni. A professional illustrator and avid equestrian, Pamela launched Pony Macaroni in 2013, combining her two great passions - horses and design. Pony Macaroni takes a lighthearted swing at traditional horse products, adding color and unexpected punch to all things horsey. From leopard and tie-dye breeches and stall signs covered in flowers, to our Horses and Tacos tee, Pony Macaroni brings unexpected and affordable products to the equestrian world.

Why did you start the business?
I started Pony Macaroni to add some color and POP to the sport I so love. While I adore the classic English look, and I appreciate it at shows, most of our time riding is really spent hacking and schooling, so why not have a bit more fun? Growing up riding on the east coast, it was very traditional. All of my breeches were tan. We had to wear a collared shirt in the barn so I would have fun pairing those tan breeches with colorful collared shirts and sweaters. It's never made sense to me that we aren't having more fun with our everyday riding fashion.
When my daughter started riding, I took her to our local tack store and walked her into a sea of tan breeches, white shirts and black boots. My daughter went straight for the one pink helmet in the store, which we bought and still have. I then took a pair of her tan breeches and tie-dyed them. Whenever she would wear them, she would get so many compliments. That was when the gears started moving and my mind began creating Pony Macaroni.

What is your favorite thing about owning the business?
My favorite thing about owning Pony Macaroni is seeing my customers in our gear and getting messages from customers who are loving our products. It truly makes me so happy. Working with other other equestrian brands and riders has been another hightlight. All of us are here because we love horses and working together makes so much sense to me. One of my favorite recent projects has been designing for Rebecca Ray. Rebecca reached out to me to design some equestrian face masks during Covid and it has led us down a wonderful design rabbit hole full of scarves, homegoods and of course bags! I love Rebecca Ray's more classic equestrian style, it's so different from Pony Macaroni and it has been a blast.

What has been the biggest challenge of owning the business?
I have had my stationery business, Starfish Art, since 2000 and Pony Macaroni since 2013, so I've been a full time entrepreneur for 21 years. Riding the economic waves and adjusting products to meet the changing trends and marketplace demands can be tricky, but I think my biggest challenges are self inflicted. tend to put too much on my plate because I am passionate about so many things. As my illustration career has grown, I am often presented with wonderful projects I just can't say no to. My time management and project management skills are often tested, but I'm kept on track by the dozens of sticky notes on my computer screen. I do work seven days a week, but I honestly love it. Limiting my offerings would be something I also struggle with I tend to want to Pony Macaroni-ize everything!
I love your horse in the house videos. They are so unique! Tell me the story of the first one, or how you go the original idea?
Ahhhh Charlie in the house! Ha ha! Our barn is behind our house and there is a gate to the backyard that we never shut. Our other horses do come into the backyard sometimes but none of them ever try to come inside the house...until I got Charlie three years ago. Charlie is a Mustang from the Navajo Indian reservation in eastern Arizona and he is hilarious. One day after riding him, I took off his tack and started walking back to the house and he just followed me. I opened the backdoor to the house and he just followed me right in! He calmly walked around from room to room, checking everything out, and then went back out to the barn. And so it began! If the gate and one of the back doors is open, he will just pop in to say hello. If the back door is shut (it's a glass door), he will sometimes just stand there, waiting to be let in. I absolutely love it but my husband does not, so Charlie only comes inside when he is not home.

What is some advice you would give to entrepreneurs?
I am very passionate about entrepreneurship. I actually teach an entrepreneurship course at the Community College. The first piece of advice I would give to entrepreneurs is to do something you are passionate about. Too many people in this world hate their jobs and that is mind boggling to me. Life is too short and we spend too much time at work to not love what we do. Think about what job you would do for free, and use that as a starting point.
I am also a big believer in starting a business WHILE you are working a day job. Many people believe they have to jump into a start up with both feet and guns blazing, but studies show that people who keep their jobs while starting a business have a 33% higher success rate.

Tell us about some fun things customers can expect to see in 2021.
2021 is going to be another wild and crazy year for Pony Macaroni. We have some fabulous new breeches being made right now that I can not wait for - stars, flowers and new tie dye patterns. We are also finally launching youth sizes this spring, so I'm excited to branch out into that market. Oh and who knows what Charlie has planned for us in 2021, I'm sure there will be a lot more Charlie in the house episodes!
Pam has kindly added a code for all DB fans to get 15% off their order!
Thanks, Pam! Use DB15 for 15% off everything at valid now through May 31, 2021 - HAPPY SHOPPING!
Thanks, Pam! Use DB15 for 15% off everything at valid now through May 31, 2021 - HAPPY SHOPPING!